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Careers Education and Work Related Learning


The intent of our Careers Program is to provide students and their families with the information/opportunities available to raise their awareness, knowledge and understanding of post-school opportunities and their pathways to get there. Our careers lead is Scott Ladd - Upper Evergreens teacher. He can be contacted on his email: or via the main office on 01736 365 039. 

From an early age we seek and acknowledge pupils interests and aspirations implementing these into the school day recognising how this process impacts upon pupil engagement and developing sense of curiosity, awe and wonder.

We also acknowledge that a young person’s aspirations and career thoughts/ideas are the beginnings of their pathway to further learning and work.

We support and prepare out students in making informed decisions about their future, in order to raise aspirations and ambitions. We recognise that our young people can play an active and positive role in society and the workplace.

Our Careers offer is closely aligned to our Work-Related Learning offer and subsequent curriculum content. Such aspects are a fundamental component of the EHCP/ Annual Review process where ‘next steps’, career pathways and outcomes are identified as students begin to approach adulthood (from Year 9 onward).

Gatsby Foundation/benchmarks

The 'Good Career Guidance Report' identifies a set of eight benchmarks that schools can use as a framework for improving their careers provision to secure that every young person will receive high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future.

Within our school we aim to achieve (where deemed appropriate) all eight Benchmarks recommended by the Gatsby Foundation, establishing a baseline where the school is in relation to providing these outcomes. 

Skills Builder 

Nancealverne School is delighted to be working with the Skills Builder Partnership to develop young people's essential skills for life. We have been accredited the Gold Award for sustained impact for our pupils. For more information about Skills Builder, please follow the tab and the top of the website page for Pupils and Skills Builder.

For any questions or to find further information about the school's careers programme please contact the Careers Leader for the school

Please visit our Skills Builder page for further information. 

Sandhill View Academy ยป Skills Builder

Student Information 

Our school Careers Programme will help you to think about what you want to do in the future, what the options are and how you can get there.

At Nancealverne School we will help you to make successful transitions to your next placement. 

We will also help you to learn important life skills which will mean you can access more when you grow up and be as independent as you possibly can be. 

We think about this being in two stages for all students - 'Future Me' and 'Independent Me'. This means you will have access to different activities, experiences, trips and advice and support depending on what you want to do. People will always be able to help you make decisions too. 

The information below will help to show you what Careers activities you will do, when you will do them and who can help you inside of school and outside of school. 

Parent Information

Our school’s Careers development consists of a range of activities that help students make choices that are right for them and will help them manage their future careers. 

Throughout the whole of their school life, children will be exposed to a curriculum which develops their skills and in particular skills which enable independence, working with others and making a positive contribution to society in whichever way they can achieve this. A more formal focus on careers and the future is initiated in Key Stage 3 (Year 7) where students and their families are encouraged to attend events which begin to identify their strengths and areas of interest.

As previously stated, students Annual Review meetings will help all students and their families to review their achievements and begin to plan for their future via the ‘My Views’ documentation provided by the Local Authority. All such documentation will be discussed with parents at the review to begin the process of making decisions which will be required as our students begin to prepare for life beyond our schools.

As a school we want to make sure that student, parent and family voice is also considered when we think about the future and planning for it. We approach the different priorities for young people by looking at two ways of thinking about a career/job/or the future;

*Future me – Our school will acknowledge the fundamental needs of the students who will not be able to fully participate in determining or ultimately deciding their future; careers education and access to it will need to remain highly personalised ensuring outcomes and post school career decisions made will always act in the students ‘best interests’.

*Independent me – The school will fully acknowledge the active contribution students are able to make in finding out about their post school options and subsequent choices relating to it.

Students will develop and use their knowledge and understanding of such options, referencing these to their personal skills and qualities and ways they may need to progress/ develop further; this aspect recognises the opportunities provided for students to increase their personal autonomy in decision-making.

All aspects of careers work will continue to be informed via their aspirations/ interests identifying programmes of study/ qualifications required to help them work towards/ achieve their career goal. 

Further information to help explain the process can be seen below.

Employer Information 

The statutory guidance surrounding Careers Education has been produced with a greater emphasis on employer encounters, engagement and benchmarks for Careers Guidance known as the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Through our planned careers guidance delivered from an early age, we acknowledge and develop pupil’s skills of inquiry, promoting their engagement, interests and aspirations leading to a more formal access to impartial careers advice as the move through the school.

Our WRL curriculum links with careers planning, affording all students the opportunity to make work place visits to help raise/ inform interests, aspirations and engagement in the work place which identify ways our students can make an active contribution in the future.

All students and their families are encouraged to attend training provider workshops/ meetings (SPT Access to training providers policy) which begin to align students strengths and areas of interest (aspirations).

All students are encouraged to develop a CV or Vocational Profile from Yr9 which details their future aspirations, educational endeavours and qualifications towards these where appropriate; these will be fully considered within the Annual Review process helping students and their families review their achievements and begin/ continue to plan for their future.

Enterprise Advisor Network and Careers Hub

Each of our schools is a member of the Enterprise Adviser Network and benefits from the support of Enterprise Advisers; working collaboratively with the school they aim to provide strategic and delivery support to the Careers Coordinator and the Senior Leadership Team of each of our schools.

Part of their roles and responsibilities will be to link education and business; through planned meetings over the academic year each school will determine actions to develop this aim, it will be the responsibility of the careers coordinator to ensure relevance of such plans and identify impact of them to secure success. 

We are also a member of the Careers Hub in the local area and work collaboratively with schools and advisers to strengthen the opportunities for work place visits, employer encounters and labour market information sharing. 

How can I get involved?

As a local employer, we would love to hear from you! Any offers for visits, talks within school, work experience and volunteering opportunities for our students are always welcomed!

Teacher and Professionals Information 

Our mission is to provide pupils with meaningful opportunities to enable them to enquire about/ engage and learn from the world of work aimed at widening their knowledge and understanding of this throughout their school life.

The intent of our Careers Programme is to provide students and their families with the information/ opportunities available to raise their awareness, knowledge and understanding of post school opportunities and their pathways to get there.

Our careers offer is closely aligned to our Work-Related Learning offer and subsequent curriculum content. It also takes account of the Skills Builder resources and programme of key skill development for future life.

As a school, we have committed to developing the skills base of each young person to enable them to be as prepared as they can be to move on from school successfully, and onto their next stage which prepares them well to make a positive contribution to the community they live within. 

For young people in our school we recognise this as being through one of the following routes.

*Future me – Our school will acknowledge the fundamental needs of the students who will not be able to fully participate in determining or ultimately deciding their future; careers education and access to it will need to remain highly personalised ensuring outcomes and post school career decisions made will always act in the students ‘best interests’

*Independent me – Our school will fully acknowledge the active contribution students are able to make in finding out about their post school options and subsequent choices relating to it. Students will develop and use their knowledge and understanding of such options referencing these to their personal skills and qualities and ways they may need to progress/ develop further; this aspect recognises the opportunities provided for students to increase their personal autonomy in some decisions made. All aspects of careers work will continue to be informed via their aspirations/ interests identifying programmes of study/ qualifications required to help them work towards/ achieve their career goal. 

The following resources can help to support this development for our young people.

How can I get involved?

As a teacher/professional working in school you can help by....

Highlighting the careers in your subject areas and all lessons you teach

Link jobs and careers to the curriculum

Build work related learning and jobs skills developments into your class routines

Remote Careers Offer

Local College and Post 16 Information 

Cornwall Council and the local Colleges have worked together to provide information and website links to virtual tours, open events and online videos which show you what life at college could be like. 

These can be used to support decision-making around next steps, in case you are not able to get to an open event or see a local provider. 

CSW Support - our school is supported by our linked CSW adviser, Louise Stilwell. 

Louise can offer help, advice and guidance in relation to those young people making a key transition in Years 11 and above. 

If you would like to receive support from Louise, please contact the Careers Leader Dan Gould at the school for further information. 

Please follow the links below for more information.

Careers Education at Home 

In the next section down are links to Careers information and activities designed to develop your understanding of Careers education and the World of Work whilst you are at home. 

These links are designed to develop your understanding of what work is, and skills for work as well as moving on to life after school. 


At Nancealverne school we work closely with local colleges and providers to ensure our students are aware of all their options once they leave school and we showcase them during our yearly careers fayre which is open to students from year 9 and upwards.

Our students take part in several local community projects which Community projects in schools serve as valuable learning experiences for students and provide a meaningful platform for students to learn, grow, and contribute positively to their community. They offer a rich learning environment that goes beyond the classroom and prepare students to be active and engaged in their community.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):

  • Develop social skills by participating in group activities and sharing resources with peers.
  • Explore different job roles through pretend play, such as being a doctor, chef, or firefighter.
  • Begin to understand the concept of money and its use through role-playing activities, such as setting up a shop or playing cashier.

Key Stage 1 (KS1):

  • Develop an understanding of different jobs and professions by inviting guest speakers to talk about their occupations.
  • Engage in simple tasks related to real-life scenarios, such as writing a shopping list or creating a basic budget.
  • Learn about the importance of teamwork and collaboration through group projects or class activities.

Key Stage 2 (KS2):

  • Explore a range of career options and their associated skills, interests, and qualifications.
  • Develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through activities that require finding solutions to real-life challenges.
  • Gain an understanding of entrepreneurship by creating and managing a small business project within the school.

Key Stage 3 (KS3):

  • Develop employability skills such as communication, teamwork, and time management through group projects and presentations.
  • Explore the world of work by attending career fairs, work experience placements, or virtual job shadowing opportunities.
  • Understand financial literacy by learning about budgeting, saving, and making informed consumer choices.

Key Stage 4 (KS4):

  • Begin to explore specific career pathways through subject choices, work experience, and career guidance sessions.
  • Develop employability skills through mock interviews, CV writing, and participating in enterprise projects.
  • Understand the rights and responsibilities of employees by learning about employment laws, health and safety regulations, and workplace ethics.

Key Stage 5 (KS5):

  • Explore higher education and career options through university visits, apprenticeship programs, and college fairs.
  • Develop practical workplace skills through internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering opportunities.
  • Prepare for the transition from education to work by focusing on career planning, job application techniques, and interview skills.


Whilst we follow the objectives of a structured subject-specific curriculum, we offer highly differentiated and personalised learning programmes. We deliver a specialist, high-quality, and relevant education. This focuses on personal skills and academic achievement, setting high expectations for all. We appreciate that students may not be working at age-related or key-stage expectations, and therefore measure progress from individual starting points.