Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly, I'd like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came along to the parent/carer coffee morning on Thursday. We had Molly and Kate from the Penlee Cluster join us to gather views from parents about SEND and local provision. They are currently writing their funding bid for their project to build a new sensory 'pod' at the Penzance soft play. They are still interested in hearing your views, so if you want to pass on any information just email Lauren ( and it will get passed on.
Also, this week we were joined by Andy and Ben from sound communities who are working with the trust to make a short film about Nancealverne and our school community. It was lovely to see our school in the spotlight and showcase our wonderful environment and outstanding staff and pupils.
We are blown away by the amount of donations we have had for our Easter raffle! Thank you so much for sending in chocolate eggs, cuddly toys and Easter-themed games and gifts. As a reminder, the last day for donations is Monday the 25th, but we are selling tickets until the 27th of March. Tickets are limited to 5 tickets (£5) each, and we will draw the raffle during the school day on Thursday the 28th.
As usual, please reach out to our home school liaison team if you need any additional support or just want a chat over a cuppa - we are always here to help.
Best wishes,
Lauren Ladd (Inclusion Lead)