New Chat health service
A new messaging service has been launched in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to link young people and families with health visitors and school nurses.
Called Chat Health, it aims to provide a quick and easy way to access health advice and support about anything from potty training and breastfeeding to accessing drugs and alcohol support.
This new service enhances our existing health visiting and school nursing advice line.
There are three dedicated numbers:
- Young people aged 11-19 can call 07312 263 096
- Parents or carers of children aged 0-5 can call 07312 263 423
- Parents or carers of children and young people aged 5-19 can call 07312 263 499
When a text message is sent, an automated reply confirms it has been received. A trained healthcare professional within the health visiting or school nursing teams will then reply within 48 hours.