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Core- Physical Development

Physical Education and Development core areas of the curriculum here at Nancealverne. 

Through our learning environments to our enrichment activities we ensure that all children, regardless of need, have opportunities to enhance their physical development skills. We work closely with therapy services to deliver individual outcomes.



At Nancealverne School, Physical Development is fundamental to the health and wellbeing of our pupils. We provide our pupils with the tools and understanding required to make a positive impact on their own physical health and well-being. Pupils learn how to make decisions in response to creative, competitive and challenging activities. We have an inclusive curriculum that ensures all pupils have access to engaging and motivating physical and therapeutic activities, both in school and in their local communities. We develop pupil’s physical literacy whilst enhancing their enjoyment and knowledge of the subject. We teach pupils how to cooperate and collaborate with others and understand fairness and equality. We instil a culture of healthy, active life-styles, with the vision that our pupils will continue to adopt this into adulthood.


At Nancealverne School, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and inclusive physical education offer that caters to the diverse needs and abilities of our students. Our PE programme encompasses a range of activities, including rebound therapy, swimming, the Motor Activities Training Program (MATP), school-based specialist interventions and our skills-based PE curriculum

With these core areas integrated into our curriculum at all key stages, we provide a fully inclusive Physical Development program to meet the needs of our pupils. Through the identification of need in every pupil’s Education Health and Care Plan, each receive a bespoke physical development curriculum offer, tailored to their ability, interests and aspirations.

Our pupils take part in a range of sports and physical activities within a supportive environment. They are encouraged to participate in exercise throughout the day, during PE lessons, clubs, outdoor learning, physical therapies and special events, on and off site. Our pupils gain experience in a variety of fundamental skills including flexibility, strength, technique, control, agility, co-ordination and balance. This ensures that skills and subject knowledge are built upon and sequenced appropriately, to maximise learning for all pupils.


Our pupils have a positive and engaged attitude towards physical activity. They are motivated to make informed positive choices, affecting their own physical and mental health and wellbeing. Pupils meet their EHCP targets in physical development and wider communication and social skills. Pupils leave school prepared for living healthy and active lives.


At Nancealverne School our Physical Education curriculum offers a broad, inclusive and engaging programme for all learners. We follow a skills-based curriculum in order to develop secure core movement skills and to foster a love
of physical activity for all, but we also have a varied wider offer that builds on our community links and gives learners
the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities.


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):

  • Develop fundamental movement skills, such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching.
  • Move confidently and with control in a range of physical activities.
  • Explore and play with different ways of moving.

Key Stage 1 (KS1):

  • Develop fundamental movement skills and coordination, including balance and agility.
  • Begin to understand the importance of warm-up and cool-down exercises.
  • Participate in team games and learn to follow rules and take turns.

Key Stage 2 (KS2):

  • Build on fundamental movement skills and develop more advanced physical skills.
  • Participate in a range of physical activities, including individual, team, and competitive sports.
  • Develop an understanding of how to improve their own performance and set personal goals.

Key Stage 3 (KS3):

  • Further develop physical skills and knowledge of different sports and activities.
  • Work collaboratively with others in team and group situations.
  • Begin to understand the link between physical activity, health, and well-being.

Key Stage 4 (KS4):

  • Choose to specialize in specific sports or activities.
  • Develop advanced techniques and tactics in chosen sports or activities.
  • Understand and apply principles of training, nutrition, and sports psychology.

Key Stage 5 (KS5):

  • Continue to specialize in chosen sports or activities at a higher level.
  • Prepare for further study or a career in the sports and fitness industry.
  • Develop leadership and coaching skills, including the ability to plan and deliver effective training sessions.


Whilst we follow the objectives of a structured subject-specific curriculum, we offer highly differentiated and personalised learning programmes. We deliver a specialist, high-quality, and relevant education. This focuses on personal skills and academic achievement, setting high expectations for all. We appreciate that students may not be working at age-related or key-stage expectations, and therefore measure progress from individual starting points.