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Nancealverne School's Local Governing Body

Our supportive governing body, in consultation with the Head Teacher, provide the strategic lead for the school. The full Governing Body meets every term and all governors support with one or more of the following committees: Teaching & Learning Group, Leadership and Management Group, Pupil Premium, Safeguarding, Health and Safety/Appeals and Disciplinary.

The Governors take and full and active part in the school by:

  • Meeting with Curriculum Co-ordinators and providing reports to the Governing Body
  • Conducting Learning Walks
  • Meeting parents
  • Taking the lead on specific projects
  • Conducting health and safety checks
  • Joining termly safeguarding positive communication meetings with DSL/DDSL/HSL
  • Termly data/Teaching and learning meetings with SLT

The governors also attend a range of courses and Trust meetings and represent the school when required.

Our supportive governing body, in consultation with the Head Teacher, provide the strategic lead for the school. The full Governing Body meets every term and all governors support with one or more of the following committees: Teaching & Learning Group, Leadership and Management Group, Pupil Premium, Safeguarding, Health and Safety/Appeals and Disciplinary.

Here is the link for the Special Partnership Trust Governance Page where further information can be found. 

Special Partnership Trust - Trust Governance


Meet the Governors 

Mrs Ruth Carpenter - Ex-Officio


Mrs Pippa Pyrah - Staff Governor

Deputy Headteacher

Ms Alison Bone - Parent Governor (Chair)

I have always lived in Cornwall. I am a farmer’s daughter and now a partner in a farming business. I also run a glamping business which keeps me busy in the summer months. I was a Family Lawyer which was both challenging and rewarding, and although I stopped practising some years ago, before I had my 2 wonderful children, going back to Law is not something which I have ruled out. We have 2 dogs and love taking them to the beach for a run and a swim - my children and dogs happily spend hours on the beach. Spending time with the my family and friends is very important to me. I was elected as Governor of Nancalverne in September 2021 and look forward to working with the wonderful team at the school. 

Danielle Walters - Co-opted Governor

Rebecca Morse - Staff Governor


Claire Drew - Co-opted Governor (Vice Chair)