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Upper & Lower Evergreens Nancealverne Sixth Form 


At Nancealverne Sixth Form, the development of the curriculum for young people is different from the experiences they will have had in the lower Key Stages of the school. This is very purposeful, as we recognise that making decisions and choices about their future adult life is a key element of the education for young people.

The Sixth Form provision is divided into a Lower and an Upper Sixth Form group base ('The Evergreens'), and provides support for young people from Year 10 - Year 14 in these groupings.

All those in the Sixth Form are offered a tailored programme of skills development that focuses on further educational aspirations and work experience opportunities, whilst supporting social and emotional needs. 

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Upper Sixth Pathways

Nancealverne recognises that not all young people will follow the same journey throughout their time in the school. This is also very relevant for those young people entering the Sixth Form provision – and as such, a pathways approach to learning is in place to help identify the right journey into adulthood.

There are four pathways in place for young people to follow. Everyone has access to these pathways, but every pupil will follow their own bespoke package, making sure they leave the school with the right skills they need to move into their adult life successfully.

However, we also recognise the needs young people with high Multi-Sensory needs that may be based in other class settings with the school (such as those in the L2L class base) and who may join the Sixth Form for focused activities and inclusion opportunities. As such, these pathways have been developed to take into account their key development aims and priorities as they move into adulthood.

  • Pathway 1 - Therapeutic 
  • Pathway 2 - Independence 
  • Pathway 3 - Pre-Vocational 
  • Pathway 4 - Vocational  

Lower Sixth Pathways

The pathways approach to learning is also followed in the Lower Sixth Form provision from the end of Key Stage 4 onward.

Students within the Lower Sixth Form achieve accredited learning – as opposed to qualifications, which are introduced  in the Upper Sixth Form.

Students learning at pathway 1 will develop key functional skills in Maths and English by studying differentiated ASDAN courses delivered at entry 1. 

Learners will also follow ASDAN courses: Personal Progress and Personal and Social Development to gain experiences in a range of foundation subjects.  This means that we are able to offer a nationally recognised accreditation in wider curriculum areas and key life skills opportunities.

Students learning at Pathway 3 and 4 develop their skills linked to the preparation for adulthood areas within the EHCP as well as identified next steps. These are embedded within the whole learning experience, ensuring that these students are prepared for their next stage. 

Nationally recognised certification in English and Maths is also offered, through Pearsons Functional Skills: English and Maths. 

All students will also access opportunities linked to work-related learning, including individual work experience.