Willows remote learning offer
If your child is learning remotely then you will still receive work packs for them each week. These will be sent through the post or delivered to you at home. In addition to the work packs, a member of the Willow Class team will be in regular contact to discuss your child's progress and any additional resources you may require. We will also be sharing group sessions on Teams for activities such as phonics, Knock on the Box, attention groups or shared reading, as well as to give the children the opportunity to say hi to one another and the staff team.
The remote learning offer for students in Willow Class focuses on English - phonics and reading - Maths, PSHCE and well-being. It will also offer some materials linked to the driving text of the half term. We would suggest that you begin any learning time with an opportunity for physical activity, such as dancing or bouncing on a trampoline, as this helps children feel ready to learn.
The main focus for English is creating story maps and sequences that retell the stories we share. This activity helps to develop your child's working memory and comprehension. Each work pack includes some resources for creating maps and sequences but you are also welcome to create your own by drawing pictures or role playing the story. Willow Class make time to read together every day and we would suggest that children continue to share books and are read to at home. We also have regular phonics sessions, including mark making using texture trays, paint or pens. We also explore sound discrimination or sound bingo, where we encourage the children to listen to and identify environmental sounds, animal sounds or familiar characters, eg Disney. Kath will set up an online classroom when it is required and send you the link so that you can join us to share your work and ideas. We look forward to seeing you!
Your child's work pack will also include their Maths activities for each week. If your child is attending school then they will be completing these tasks at the workstation as well. We will continue to send these home as we go along. There are lots of ways to include Maths in to your child's play activities at home, such as cooking, building with blocks, sharing treats at a tea party or singing number rhymes.
Our PSHCE topic for the half term is "living in the wider world". We will be learning to wash our hands by ourselves, looking for signs and symbols in the environment that keep us and others safe, learning about people who help us and who we should ask when we need help. PSHCE tasks are included in the work packs for every child and will be a focus of some of our online Teams sessions.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you need further help. We can also make any communication resources that you need at home, just let us know what you need.