Acorns remote offer
We understand that there will be times where some of our children cannot access school. To ensure the children who are learning from home are still successfully accessing our EYFS class curriculum and quality of learning, we have adapted our curriculum, topics and resources to ensure pupils accessing remotely can continue to make progress in all aspects of their learning.
We know that being in school is absolutely the best place for your child to continue their educational journey. However, we do believe that with our combined efforts we can work together to support our pupils and help them make progress towards their 'individual' targets from home. The Early Years Foundation Stage is based on learning through play. This means that the time you can spend playing, communication and exploring with your child is of the highest importance. Reading and sharing stories together and talking about the pictures together are great skills to practise together, as well as mark making with different materials and textures. Being at home is also the perfect time to work on your key skills such as: toileting, learning to help dress or dress yourself, try new foods or learn to use cutlery. Cooking and baking together is great way to practise Maths skills such as counting and weighing.
Have fun together and enjoy your learning.
How do we do this?
During any period where your child cannot attend school, we will use phone calls and email to be in regular contact. Tash, the class teacher will also make contact with you to discuss how your son/daughter can best access their education and continue to make progress towards their targets.
Class Dojo will continue to be our main platform to set work, monitor, feedback and reward. We will post ideas, resources, recipes and record stories for you to share with your child and encourage you to send us photos and evidence of your home learning. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further help, guidance or resources to help your child continue their educational journey at home. We can deliver any resources to your house such as pens, books, sensory or communication aids.
Below you will find links to resources .These will enable your child to continue to make progress in specific areas of our learning, as timetabled and further extend their learning during any potential absence. They will regularly updated.
- Home learning ideas
- Tash reading "We're going on a bear Hunt"
- Bear Hunt challenges
- How to say the Phonics sounds
- Phonics Alphablocks
- Numberblocks
- Early Years Home Learning Collection
- 10 in the bed with signs
- Specialist therapy resources
- Drama activities
- PSHE Remote Learning
- Family signs of the week
- Tash reading The Tiger Who Came to Tea
- The Tiger Who Came to Tea Challenges
- Dear Zoo read by Tash
- Dear Zoo Animal Matching Cards
- Dear Zoo Challenges
- Pets from the Zoo song
- Owl Babies read by Tash
- Owl Babies paper plates
- Owl Photos
- Owl babies Challenges
- Different sounds sensory bottles
- Fun apps
- My senses edible sensory recipes
- Sensory apps
- Sensory playdough recipe
- Speech and Language therapy resources